What is an Ice House?
The Ice House is a revolutionary approach that will forever change the way bagged and bulk ice is sold. The Ice House is a free standing, fully automated, ice machine that delivers ice to the customer through a self service vending process. The concept is simple, "TWICE" the amount of ice sold at retail stores for half the price.

How big is an Ice House?
The Ice House dimensions are 8'4" x 8' x 24' (200 sq. ft. footprint) and its weight is approximately 10,000 pounds.

How well is an Ice House Built?
Inside components are 100% food grade stainless steel. Ice Houses are built and anchored to withstand 150 mile per hour winds.

What is the inventory of an Ice House?
Bags, Twist Ties, Quarters, and Ice.

What is needed to get my business up and running?
First, you need to find a busy, high traffic location for your IceHouse. Second, make sure the location has accesible water, electricity, and phone lines. Once that is confirmed you need to check on the permit requirements for your locale. Some cities will require sewer drainage.

What prevents one Ice House from being in direct competition with another?
A protected area is negociated and established around each Ice House. No other Ice House can be placed within that protected area.

How do I know if there is a problem with the operation of the machine?
If a problem occurs the system will automatically telephone the owner or maintinance technician and notify them of the problem.

Is there a way to keep track of the sales on a machine?
Yes, the Ice House can be equipt with a sales counter that tracks the amount of sales or vends.

Where do I buy supplies such as bags and ties for my Ice House?
All suplies may be ordered from Texas Star Ice House Inc.

How much can I expect to make from an Ice House a month?
Income depends on several variables, including but not limited to location, accessibility, time Ice House has been open, time of year, weather, demand and price per vend.

How many bags of ice (vends) per day can an Ice House produce?
When the ice bin starts out full, an Ice House can provide and deliver between 300-600 16-lbs. bags (vends) of Ice on a given day. If daily demand exceeds 500 vends per day or weekly demand exceeds 3500 16-lb bags (vends) of ice per week, a second Icemaker should and can be added to increace ice production.

Is financing available?
Many banks love this product, and will fund 80% of the investment. Texas Star Ice House can provide preferred lenders.

Are ice sales seasonal?
No, ice is an everyday commodity. Family get toghethers, sporting events, special events, or just a simple glass of tea, ice is used by everyone practically everyday.
